About Us

Amanda Silva is the founder of Goodpoint. She spent 7 years as a corporate retail merchant for a number of brands, including Gap, J. McLaughlin and Draper James, and has since found joy translating her love of classic design into a collection of needlepoint canvases. After years experiencing the benefits of needlework in her own life, from the meditative, anxiety-calming nature of stitching to the satisfaction of creating an heirloom object, Amanda's goal is to make this lifelong hobby accessible to as many new stitchers as possible. If you are interested in getting started with needlepoint, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at hello@goodpointneedlepoint.com or on Instagram @
Amanda lives in Connecticut with her husband, Lucas, their toddler son, and their Australian Shepherd, Henry. Outside of needlepoint, Amanda loves binge-reading, antiquing and interior design.