Fob Finishing Tips
Key Fob Finishing
We have a number of key fobs in our collection, most of which are on 13 mesh canvas! We love stitching fobs, as they are a great "palate cleanser" between projects, are satisfying to stitch, and are something you'll use everyday.

That being said, sometimes the finishing process can be confusing, so I thought I'd compile some of my tips & suggestions when finishing your fob through a professional finisher.*
My number 1 tip is to reach out to your finisher to clarify instructions before you finish stitching your project! This is because some finishers require a binding stitch (also sometimes called a finishing stitch) on the top and bottom, while others will turn over 2 rows on the top and bottom when attaching it to leather.
If you add a binding stitch, I'd recommend adding it to the top and bottom row of the painted design so that it doesn't get too wide. This is especially important with a canvas like our Tour de France Fob, in order to keep each stripe consistent widths.
If your finisher is turning over rows on the top and bottom of the canvas, I would suggest adding an extra row or two so it doesn't get too narrow.
The piece of leather that will hold the keychain ring will also cover up between .5" - 1" of the design (again this varies a bit finisher to finisher), so you may want to add extra rows to the left and right side of the design. Our Sheep Fobs take this into account already so there is ample space for the leather when the finisher forms the loop.
Speaking of loops - our Sheep Fob was designed to finish as a loop keychain, while our Tour de France, Cycling World Champ & Gingham Fobs were designed to finish either as a mini loop or a flat fob (as shown in the navy gingham example above.) To finish as a flat fob, you likely will not want to stitch the entire thing so it doesn't get too long. Below you can see that I did not stitch the last 3 sections of the gingham pattern (on the left side of the painted design) for my flat finish.

Finally, if you're looking for a recommendation of where to send your fob to be finished, I love the finishing from Hilltop Leather, Penny Linn Designs & The Enriched Stitch!
Do you have any follow up questions? I'd love to hear from you! Reach Amanda by email at or on Instagram @goodpointneedlepoint.
*Self-finishing fobs is also always an option and a great way to save money! (A professionally finished leather fob is typically $40-$50.) Oz Needle & Thread and Fire & Iris both have resources available if you choose to go this route!